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Mongolian Desertification Percent

Mongolia’s Desertification Percentage

A National Crisis

Desertification is a pressing issue in Mongolia, with an estimated 70% of the country's territory affected by land degradation. This is due to a combination of natural factors, such as climate change and overgrazing, as well as human activities, such as mining and deforestation.

The consequences of desertification are severe. The loss of vegetation leads to soil erosion, which in turn reduces soil fertility and water retention capacity. This can have a devastating impact on agriculture, the main source of livelihood for many Mongolians.

Causes of Desertification

Climate Change

Climate change is a major contributing factor to desertification in Mongolia. The country is experiencing rising temperatures and decreasing precipitation, which is leading to the drying out of the land.


Overgrazing by livestock is another major cause of desertification. The large herds of animals that graze on Mongolia's grasslands can damage the vegetation and soil, making it more susceptible to erosion.


Mining is another significant contributor to desertification in Mongolia. The mining industry often leaves behind large areas of land that are contaminated and unusable.


Deforestation is also a problem in Mongolia, although it is not as widespread as in other parts of the world. The clearing of forests can lead to soil erosion and the loss of biodiversity.

Consequences of Desertification

Loss of Vegetation

The most visible consequence of desertification is the loss of vegetation. This can lead to a number of environmental problems, including soil erosion, water shortages, and the loss of biodiversity.

Soil Erosion

Soil erosion is a major problem in Mongolia. The loss of vegetation can lead to the erosion of topsoil, which can reduce soil fertility and water retention capacity.

Water Shortages

Desertification can also lead to water shortages. The loss of vegetation can reduce the amount of water that is available for drinking, irrigation, and other purposes.

Loss of Biodiversity

Desertification can also lead to the loss of biodiversity. Many plants and animals that live in Mongolia's grasslands are dependent on the vegetation for food and shelter. The loss of vegetation can lead to the decline or disappearance of these species.

Solutions to Desertification


Reforestation is a key strategy for combating desertification in Mongolia. The planting of trees and other vegetation can help to stabilize the soil, reduce erosion, and improve water retention capacity.

Sustainable Grazing

Sustainable grazing practices are also important for combating desertification. By managing the number of animals that graze on Mongolia's grasslands, it is possible to reduce the damage to vegetation and soil.

Land Reclamation

Land reclamation is another important strategy for combating desertification. Land reclamation involves the restoration of degraded land to a condition that is suitable for grazing or agriculture.

Education and Awareness

Education and awareness about desertification are also important. By educating people about the causes and consequences of desertification, it is possible to encourage them to take steps to combat this problem.


Desertification is a serious problem in Mongolia, but it is one that can be overcome. By implementing a combination of solutions, it is possible to restore Mongolia's grasslands and ensure a sustainable future for the country and its people.
